Badajoz It is a modern city, marked by the passage of different cultures. It is a border city with Portugal and is part of the region of The wastelands , in the extreme northeast of the Extremadura Autonomous Community. Its orography is marked by the passage of the Gévora and Guadiana rivers and it was founded in 875 by the Muladi from Mérida Ibn Marwan al-Chilliqui. In its Arab period Badajoz, it was called Batalyaus or Islamic Batalyaws.
Guided Tours CÁCERES
Cáceres it is World Heritage City since 1986. Its narrow streets nestled between Renaissance palaces evoke centuries past. The old and the new city they do not mix, showing the visitor and the tourist a capital full of history and beauty, which has nothing to envy other places such as Santiago de Compostela or Toledo.Get to know this beautiful capital of Extremadura thoroughly from the hand of a Official guide.